Donor Stories
Gyanant Kaur
An 82-year-old woman, Gyanant Kaur, has become one of the oldest organ donors in the country. Her family donated her eyes and liver— the liver gave new life to the father of a serving army officer; and the eyes have benefited two visually handicapped persons.
Widow of late Honorary Lieutenant Tarlok Singh, Kaur was brought to the Army Hospital in Dhaula Kuan, Delhi after she slipped on the bathroom floor of her house and sustained a head injury.
“She had internal bleeding and was pronounced brain dead yesterday,” retired Colonel Jaspal Singh, her eldest son, said. “Since she was brain dead, we thought it was best to donate her organs. Though we did not know about the option of the cadaver organ donation, we were happy to help those in need.”
The hospital authorities approached the family members to donate organs, and they agreed.
Story Credits: Express
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